euphoria resort

Euphoria Resort&Spa is a special place, a dream first imagined and then realized with art, courage and determination.

We have thought of a place dedicated to you, to your health and your well-being.


Body Treatment Slow Aging & Wellness


The main function of the scrub is to exfoliate the most superficial layer of the skin, leaving it fresher and more elastic, promoting oxygenation of the skin tissue and so helping the skin to stay toned and healthy.


Duration: 30 Minutes

Price: 80 €


Its antibacterial, purifying, detoxifying and mildly exfoliating properties help to control excess sebum and improve the appearance of this type of skin.

Duration: 30 Minutes

Price: 90 €


One of the oldest treatments, handed down over time for its extraordinary effectiveness against blemishes: we are talking about body muds, a blend of natural elements with exceptional benefits.

 A pampering for the body and the mind, perfect for finding a moment of total relaxation while we take care of our skin. The body muds give an immediate sense of well-being and lightness, and help to counteract the blemishes of cellulite and localized fat from the very first applications.

Duration: 30 Minutes

Price: 90 €



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