euphoria resort

Euphoria Resort&Spa is a special place, a dream first imagined and then realized with art, courage and determination.

We have thought of a place dedicated to you, to your health and your well-being.


Health Treatment


Osteopathy, or osteopathic medicine, is a discipline based on manual contact for the diagnosis and treatment of certain pathologies or disorders, considering the human being as the unity of body, mind and spirit. Through the posture analysis and the patient manipulation, it is possible to identify any disturbances on which to intervene through manual techniques able to correct the imbalances and restoring the physiological conditions of movement and therefore of health.


Duration: 40 Minutes

Price: 120 €


Chiropractic is a practice focused on manual manipulation of the spine. Chiropractic bases its principles on the idea that a targeted action on the spine improves the functionality of the nervous system and, consequently, the health of the person.

According to its promoters, chiropractors, chiropractic would be beneficial in cases of: back pain, neck pain, asthma, fibromyalgia, shoulder pain, sciatica, allergies, headaches, migraines, neonatal colic, lower limb pain, etc.


Duration: 30 Minutes

Price: 120 €


This technique can benefit people suffering from stress, learning and concentration difficulties, hyperactivity and dyslexia. It is an excellent method to restore balance and relax the body.

Craniosacral therapy is gentle and safe. For this reason it is often recommended in circumstances considered “risky” such as pregnancy and after an operation. The lightness of the treatment makes it ideal for children, even newborns.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 120 €


It is the therapeutic massage of the muscles and connective tissues, practiced with the hands and aimed primarily at preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system or rehabilitating the subjects who are affected by them. The main conditions for which massage therapy is applied are: muscle pain, contracted muscles, contractures and tendon hardening, water retention, psychic stress and cellulite.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 80 €



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