euphoria resort

Euphoria Resort&Spa is a special place, a dream first imagined and then realized with art, courage and determination.

We have thought of a place dedicated to you, to your health and your well-being.


Wellness Treatment


Relaxing massage not only acts on the skin but has several benefits. In fact, by acting on various points of the body, it stimulates the body’s energy and reactivates blood and lymphatic circulation, reducing anxiety and stress levels


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 90 €


The Californian massage is the king of massages among the various relaxing ones; it is not only aimed at achieving the body well-being, but above all at achieving a “rebalancing” between the physical and the spiritual plane.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 100 €


Lymphatic Drainage is a massage that helps to restore the correct functionality of the lymphatic system by promoting the drainage of liquids, easing tension and decreasing the feeling of heavy and tired legs.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 100 €


The massage includes acupressure and cupping techniques that help to restore normal muscle function by promoting proper tissue feeding


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 80 €


The Psychosomatic Massage aims to restore a psycho-physical balance by fighting the oxidative stress to which cells are subjected, strengthening the defenses and releasing the entire body from tensions.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 100 €


Sports massage is indicated for athletes who intend to keep their body healthy and speed up the cool-down process after exertion. It can be taken before a competition, as preparation, during breaks in the competition or after, to reduce tiredness.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 80 €


Hot Stone Massage has its roots in the fusion between shamanic traditions and Ayurvedic medicine.

Both these cultures used the healing heat released by the stones to treat various types of psycho-physical disturbs.

The use of hot stones helps to slow down joint and muscle tension, activating the lymphatic system, increasing relaxation and decreasing the level of stress.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 100 €


It is a massage characterized by the use of essential oils.

It is combined with a specific massage technique, with specific essential oils, based on benefits and objectives that the client wants to get from the treatment


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 100 €


It involves the use of ice with a technique that acts against pain, skin blemishes and muscle fatigue. During the treatment, movements are performed in contact with the skin to activate a vasodilatation and an anesthetic effect which allow muscles to cool down deeply during an acute phase of injury or after an effort. With the application of ice, in fact, the body responds with a vasoconstriction, followed in a reflex way by a vasodilatation, a process that has the ability to reduce pain.


Duration: 30 Minutes

Price: 80 €


The couple massage allows you to reactivate the person’s energy flow, restoring harmony and balance in the relationship with the other. In fact, sharing the experience allows you to strengthen the couple’s bond, immediately feeling a sense of great relaxation.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 150 €


Shiatsu is an ancient Japanese technique of body manipulation which aims to promote the overall harmony of the person and rebalance the body in depth. Not just a massage, therefore, but a fascinating energy practice that involves the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.


Duration: 50 Minutes

Price: 100 €


Watsu is a massage performed in water able to treat the body in a gentle way and without any kind of stress. At the end of the session, a strong and at the same time stretched and relaxed body is perceived. Without forgetting the undoubted benefits on a psychological and emotional level.


Duration: 30 Minutes

Price: 90 €


Floating induces a pleasant state of calm, peace and relaxation, eliminates excess fatigue and jet-lag disorders, improves sleep, in terms of both quality and quantity. It reduces mental and physical stress and gives a beneficial energizing and revitalizing effect.


Duration: 30 Minutes

Price: 80 €



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